Ending the toxic cycle of broken homes
It has been estimated by the Belarus government that 90% of children growing up in institutionalized social milieu will become institutionalized by adulthood either in prison or mental facilities. Consequently, their children will then have to be institutionalized, creating a never-ending cycle.
Our Solution
What we are doing is placing orphans in Christian families. This allows the children to be exposed to a family lifestyle and, even more importantly, to be brought to church on Sunday. You may ask why there are so many orphans in Belarus, and the main reason is alcoholism and drug addiction. These are rampant in the society and are merely one of the symptoms of the spiritual hunger and thirst that our mission is attempting to satisfy.
Saving Children
However, for the many thousands of children that have had to be removed from abusive and dangerous family situations, this ministry focuses on saving them.
The families that are identified and established as host families are themselves many times on the very brink of economic disaster, and it is impossible to ask them to take on the financial burden of another child without financial assistance.
Help provide each child a loving family
No child goes unnoticed, abandoned, or lost is how we approach these delicate situations to lead a lost soul back to Christ.